Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fires Chapter 10

Chapter 10 talks about bringing your curriculum outside of the classroom. I liked two things in particular about this chapter, and the first was Vance’s quote on page 179 about how his internship gave him a better toward school and homework. The second was the section about teachers needing to recognize students own learning. In this section, on page 180, Alexis expresses her love for reading, knowing interesting facts, and learning sign language.
I like these two sections because they show great examples of using outside interests to establish interest in school. I think it was important that Vance finally saw the connection, that in order to succeed and get a job in the future he had to apply the skills he learned at his internship to school. Also, if a teacher were to know the skills and interests of students like Vance and Alexis they could easily apply it to their classroom to make it more interesting for them.

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