Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fires Chapter 7

Chapter 7 was about how teachers should and shouldn’t go about teaching difficult material. I thought that some of the students had some great ideas for activities. For example, one of the students, on page 140, suggested that when dealing with a difficult book that the teacher have them give an assignment to change the book. She suggested that they be asked to create a spin off, or create a new ending to the book. Most of these students also have a great understanding of learning styles. For example, on page 129, Mahogany talked about how every student is a different learner, and she likes activities because they help all students understand.
Throughout this book and this chapter in particular I have really enjoyed the students’ ideas. It is very interesting to see how they so clearly understand how they learn, and exactly what they want from a teacher. Seeing the quote from page 129 was a little surprising to me because this student had such a great understand of how activities can help all kinds of students. It was just amazing to me that she had that awareness as a student herself. Looking back to my time in high school I feel as though I was not particularly concerned about any other learner other than myself.

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