Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fires Chapter 5

Chapter 5 is about how teachers should help students in group situations. There were a few things in this chapter that I really liked, and some things that I really did not. To start off with, I really did not like the quotes from Vance and Lauraliz on page 88, where they described experiences where teachers did not take their work or questions seriously. What I did like was the quote from Montoya on page 89, where she suggests that if a teacher sees that a person, who is usually quiet in class, raise their hand they should make a point to call on them. The other two things I like were also quotes from students from page 97. One student said, “One job of a teacher is to be fair to all,” and the other said, “You need to know, not to lower your expectations but to be realistic.”

I didn’t like the first two quotes from page 88 because they actually really upset me. If a student has mustered up the confidence to ask you a questions, or worked extraordinarily hard on a project that interests them disregarding them is completely unacceptable. I liked the last three quotes because I felt that they are all important things for teachers to be aware of. Call on that student if he has his hand up, especially if he is not one to raise his hand often. Also, your job as a teacher is to be fair to all, but at the same time not lower your expectations. All students should be held to the same expectations, but if they need modifications that is okay.

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