Sunday, November 9, 2014

Digital Text

I enjoyed the blogging process during practicum, I had never used Wikispaces or Blogger before so it gave me a whole new experience. However, there are a few things that I would change about it. I felt as though we did the blogging only as a way of submitting it. I wish we had more discussions in class about our posts on our blogs and about what we read or did for the blog. I also wish we had the chance to look at our classmates’ blogs. One thing that another professor of mine did was have us comment on at least one other person’s post. That way we got the chance to look at how our classmates analyzed the same text that we read, or what they found when they did the same activity as we did. I checked out three different links from this chapter, two were blog websites, Wordpress and Kidblog and the other was a Wikispace that a kindergarten teacher created. I tried to look at Posterous, but it was shut down, which I was really sad about since Wes Fryer spoke so highly about it. Instead, I looked at Wordpress, and Kidblog and I read a little bit about them on their websites. I definitely see myself having a class website in my classroom because I think it’s important for students to have connect with myself and each other inside and outside of school. I would use Wordpress or Kidblog, however I am leaning more toward Kidblogs only because it allows the teacher to be the Admin and delete any inappropriate posts made by their students. The Wikispaces link I looked at was such a great website for students. It was easy to use, and it had so many resources on it. I liked how she had the Glogster poster on the front page. It makes her page very visually appealing and very simple to navigate right off the bat.

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