Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fires Final Reflection

I really enjoyed Fire in the Bathroom as a text for this class. In many ways it was helpful and even provided me with insight into some of my former classmates’ lives in high school. I gained a lot of ideas and tips that I plan on holding onto for when I become a teacher. Probably one of my favorite ideas that I gained from this book was the journals. This seems like something very small, but ever since I read that idea in this book I have wanted to incorporate it into every lesson. The thing I enjoyed most about this text is that it involved real stories and quotes from real students. Hearing some of the things they had to say about what they want from teachers and what they’ve actually experienced shocked me. I think the biggest thing that I’ve gained from this text that I could see myself growing with in my field experience was not assuming what abilities my students did and didn’t have. I knew that all of my students were capable of doing what I was asking, but I also knew that they were going to have questions. It took patience sometimes, but I took the time to answer every single one of their questions. The only thing that I would’ve changed about using this text was how we reflected on it. I commented on this in my Digital Text post, but I would have benefitted more from more class discussions or activities based on our readings. Other than that, I had a very positive experience reading this text for class.

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