Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I felt that I already knew a lot of the things that Fryer went over in this chapter, and I realize that could be because it was written a few years ago and a lot has changed since then. However, I still feel like I gained a few things from this chapter. Although I already use apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on a daily basis, I never really thought about using it in my classroom. I liked Fryer’s idea about the 365 or 180 projects. I learned that social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or forms of them, could be useful and educational in situations like this. I also had never heard of VoiceThread and I definitely think that will be a great tool for me and my students. A product like this would be very visually appealing for visual learners, but also appealing to auditory learners as well. The last thing that I gained from this chapter was more information and more resources for finding and citing photos that are under creative commons. I found myself struggling to find pictures for my student sample, classroom management textbook, and mini student sample that were under creative commons. So, I definitely gained a lot from going, using, and looking through those different image resources that were given. Specifically, I looked at the Behold website and I liked that, however it isn’t really cut out for my content area. I tried to look up “civil rights”, which is what my unit is on, but nothing came up. I feel like that would be my only hesitation about using sources like these. I also looked up the Skitch program and downloaded it to my computer so that I could play around with it. I also think that this would definitely be a program that I use with my students. They would be able to upload a reading I gave them, highlight it and annotate it on their computer using this program. I think it is another great opportunity for students to do something hands on and interact with technology.

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