Monday, September 8, 2014

Apps for a Personal Passion

I chose to focus on apps geared toward music, and the apps that I came across were pretty interesting. They ranged from apps where you can create your own playlist to apps where you are actually using the songs on your own iPad to make your own remix. The first four apps I found were more geared toward creating your own playlist, however they did so in different ways. Beats music actually asks you to take a survey when you begin on your favorite genres and artists and creates playlists from there. Songza is along the same line, but creates a playlist by what mood you are feeling that day. Soundhound allowed you to search for your intended song either by singing it, or humming it. I thought this was a really cool feature for somebody like me who loves to sing, and who often remembers melodies better than song titles. The last of the first four was was 8tracks, which had a setting that allowed you to pick a playlist based on what you were doing. For example, I went on and picked a playlist for productive, homework, and study. The fifth app that I came across was a little bit different than the first four. The app called Pacemaker actually allowed you to pull songs from your own playlist on your iPad and mix them together. Overall, the characteristics that I look for in an app are how personalized they are or can be, how easy they are to use, and if they are really effective. I would say that all of these apps have what I am looking for in an app, and I would rate them all within the 4 or 5 star range.

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