Monday, September 8, 2014

  • TPCK- How technology, content, and pedagogy interact in a classroom.
  • SAMR- Four degrees of use of technology in the classroom, which will modify the way students interact with information, and as a result, will improve student performance.
    • Google Docs- Google Docs is something I used in high school and continue to use in college. It is a website where you can create power points, spreadsheets, and other forms using this as well. However, I use it mostly as a word processor. What makes this technology different is that it saves all of your work under a single account, and it allows you to share the document so that multiple people can work on it at one time. It also automatically saves your work every so often, so even if your computer dies, your work will still be there. Because of these specific features I would put this under the category of modification.
    • Constitution App- A friend of mine had to use a Constitution app on an iPad when she was in high school. This app allowed her to interactively look into specific articles of the constitution. I would classify this app under substitution, because the app was essentially an electronic version of the constitution, which you could get from a text book.
    • Owl App- Another friend of mine currently has to use this app in his chemistry class. This app is an online homework app, which allows him to complete his homework through the app, and immediately see the grade. It also allows his teacher to view when the work was submitted. I would put this app under the category of substitution. This app is convenient for both student and teacher in many ways, however it does not do anything that a teacher could not do by hand.
    • Graphing Calculator- In high school, in higher level math courses, I was able to use a graphing calculator. This was a device that could do what any regular calculator could do, but what made it special was that you could pug linear equations into it. After you did that it would display a graph on the screen using those linear equations. This is a very helpful tool, and is able to graph, find certain points on the graph, and store certain data. I would consider this piece of technology to be under Augmentation, because it has some functions that regular calculators have, and can do things that a person could do by hand, but it also has features that technology before it did not have.
    • Google Sites- Google sites is another website I’ve had to use for a class in college. This is a site where you can create your own website, and design and organize it however you would like. I used my site to post homework, and projects for the class. However, not only could my teacher view my website, but so could all my classmates. Because of these features I would classify this website under modification.

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