Monday, September 8, 2014

Fires Chapter 1

There were three big things that jumped out at me from chapter one, and the first was a section on how teachers can get to know students, and one of the students stated, “If you pay attention, you can see it (page 4).” The second was a list created by students, who were still in the process of learning English, of skills and abilities they already had. The third was a section that suggested the idea that students should keep a journal as a way for the teacher to learn about their students and also as a way to get feedback.
The quote really jumped out at me, because I found it interesting a student wanted the teacher to get to know them by being observant over any other method. It was just very surprising to me that they would prefer such an indirect method. The list that the English language learner students made also stood out to me, because I was shocked at how these students had experienced teachers who focused more on their appearance and the stereotypes that come along with that. I thought the journal idea was great, and it was something that immediately stood out to me as something I would really like to use in my classroom. Not only will it help me as a teacher to learn more about my students, but it will also help me improve my instruction based on student feedback.

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