Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wes Fryer Chapter 4

In chapter four of Wes Fryer’s Playing With Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing, he introduces four major types of media. He used the acronym Harry Potter Can Fly, and the H stands for homegrown, P stands for public domain, C stands for creative commons, and F stands for fair use.
Essentially what I gained from this chapter are ways of legally using media and other information I find. I learned that when using my own “homegrown media” I can decide how I want to use it, and if I want to allow others to use it. I now understand that anything in the public domain can be used in any way without permission. Fair use was something new to me as well, and I actually found it to be a confusing concept for some reason. Lastly, before reading this chapter I was unaware that wikipedia actually tells you the copyright a photograph on their page is under. I feel that this makes wikipedia very helpful, and an excellent source for photos.
I hope that by the time I actually have my own classroom I will have a much better understanding of these rules. I feel that this was a really quick overview of a rather intricate concept. Having a better understanding of these concepts will allow me to help my student when it comes determining useable sources. Most of all, like I said in my other fair use entry, I feel that it is important for me to be aware of copyright and fair use regulations, so that I can set a good example for my students when it comes to appropriately using sources. If I fail to do so I could end up getting in trouble myself, and my students may think that it is okay to use any source without permission.

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