Sunday, September 14, 2014

Maine Memory Network

On the Maine Memory Network I explored a lot of historical artifacts from my hometown, the area that my camp is in, and Farmington. I found a lot of pictures of buildings and scenery that I recognized, and it was really interesting to see the changes in them over time. I explored some of the lesson plans that teachers are making based on this website, and I think that it’s awesome that they are trying to bring history a little bit closer to home. Another thing I found on this website that I thought was cool was a History of Maine page. It gives a historical background of Maine as a whole, and it is then broken down into time periods.
I found this website really fun to play around with, and I think that is because I was looking up things in history that I could actually be connected to. As I said above I feel that this is a great tool to help bring history a little bit closer to home. I could have my students use the artifacts on here as primary sources for a certain lesson. I could have them look at Maine during a particular time period, or look at a particular group of people that resided in Maine during a certain time period. It does not necessarily have to be used strictly for a history lesson either, there are plenty of maps that could be useful for a geography lesson. What is great is that all of the artifacts provided on here are photos, which makes it very visually oriented. This is just an outstanding source for Maine social studies teachers, and I’m really glad it was brought to my attention now.

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