Tuesday, September 30, 2014


The first teaching idea that I found was the cause and effects lesson plan. The idea behind this lesson is that students will analyze the causes and effects of historical events. Cause and effect is a concept that is very prevalent in history, but I feel it is often looked over because most students are just interested in the different battles. I believe that being able to break it down this way will help students organize it and understand it better in a fun way. This is definitely a lesson that I would use in my classroom because I believe that it would be effective, fun, and target multiple intelligences.
The second teaching idea that I found was the analyzing primary sources lesson plan. The idea behind this lesson is that students will be able to break down and analyze primary sources to understand different perspectives. In high school primary sources were something I struggled with a lot, and my teacher never really developed a way to present it to us, or get us to apply it differently that could help us. This is definitely a lesson that I would use in my classroom because primary sources are really hard to decipher sometimes, and I think that breaking down the information like this will benefit students a lot. It will also tap into a lot of different intelligences such as, verbal, logical, and spatial. I feel that both of the plans that I looked at would fall under the modification level on the SAMR model, especially if all of the features of inspiration are put to use in each lesson. What is special about those features is that you can transfer from one to the other with ease, and before you know you don’t just have a graphic organizer, but an entire presentation on that information. You could not do that without this technology.

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