Sunday, September 14, 2014

Google Earth

I have used google earth before, but they have added some new features since I last used it that I got to learn how to use this time around. The first was the time lapse, which I tried with the Education Center, and my own home. I learned how to use the feature that allows you to look at the moon, mars, and the stars. I also played around with the feature that shows you what a location looks like a different times of the day. However, as far as the other features go, such as the zoom in, zoom out, orientation, and street view, I was quite familiar with them already. 
I could use the app for a lesson in a few of ways. Since I am a social studies concentration I could use it if I was doing a lesson on geography for students who might learn better through working with a visual. Another way would be to show my students different historical landmarks, and I could even show them the landmark through time using the time lapse feature. Lastly, I could use the moon feature if I’m talking about different historical space expeditions, especially in the Cold War era. What’s really awesome about that feature is that you can click on different flagged areas where different shuttles have landed, and then it will give you a historical background on that expedition. Overall, this is a great program will allow students to work with visuals, but also allow them manipulate them in different ways.

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