Monday, September 8, 2014

Fires Chapter 2

In chapter two there were two things that really stood out to me, the first one being a quote from one student saying, “When you have a question, it’s better if the teacher comes and stands by your desk instead of saying 'What do you need?' from across the room (page 27).” The second was two quotes from students, one said, “In the very beginning of the class, our teacher had us write for homework one night about how we would teach a history class if we were teachers (page 33).” The other quote from another student was also along the same line, but her teacher made her class write up lesson plans, and then each day a student would teach the class.
The first quote stood out to me, because this is how I always felt in high school. I would be secretly wishing in my head for the teacher to come to me instead of having to ask my, probably stupid, question in front of the entire class. Going to my students when they raise their hand, rather than making them come to me, is something I will definitely do as a teacher. The other two comments from students stood out to me, because I think that it is a great idea to have students do this. It clearly gave those students a perspective they never really had before, and on top of it you’re helping them gain or straighten some of their skills. I think that could be a really cool activity to use in my classroom.

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